Wednesday, October 29, 2008

She always had the feeling that it was very, very dangerous to live even one day

At first it took me awhile to get into Virginia Wolf's style of writing. But I think I am getting the hang of it. Honestly, I didn't see what the big fuss was about, the preface and back of the book was praising something about her writing which wasn't clicking with me at first. The words just seemed scatter-brained and incoherent in execution, but now I realize the brilliance behind such a style. This stream of consciousness style is definitely an acquired taste that one has to get used to. It makes the characters on the page seem more alive to me. One's mind wanders all the time, even within specific emotional moments we are always multitasking. I think it was when Peter had just left Mrs. Dalloway's house confused by her last statement to him "remember the party", he was distracted by other things.
Through this stream of consciousness writing the reader gets all the facts, whether we want them or not. Seemingly boring details litter the page, creating some sort of significance for the story. We are left to filter the "nonsense" out ourselves, it doesn't come prepackaged, all tidy with a red ribbon tied around it; it's the same way with thoughts. Through this style it really captures the true human mind; messy and spontaneous. I really am enjoying this book now that I have gotten a hang of this style. It is quite amusing to see into the mind of these different characters; all encompassing and connecting together.

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